Workshops and practical courses
Workshops and practical courses
The RTG will offer introductory and advanced workshops on topics that are essential for high quality lab work and for reaching the research goals of the consortium.
An introductory workshop on “Metabolic analyses by mass spectrometry” (2 days) will be organized and carried out by Katja Dettmer-Wilde (UKR) in Regensburg. This workshop will focus on the aspects of sample preparation and highlight the power and the limitations of metabolomics.
There will be a practical course on the “Immunometabolic analyses using the Seahorse platform” (1 day).
The course will focus on glucose and mitochondrial metabolism of macrophages and other immune cells.
The groups of Ulrike Schleicher (UKER) and David Vöhringer (UKER) will teach doctoral students of the RTG in “Flow cytometry of rare immune cell populations” (1 day) and advanced methods of flow-cytometric data analysis.
The scientists of the Optical Imaging Center Erlangen (OICE) will present a workshop on „Imaging techniques at OICE: introduction into high resolution in vitro and in vivo microscopy“ (1 day) right after the start of RTG 2740. In addition, OICE routinely offers hands-on-training courses on the various types of microscopes as well as workshops on image analysis, data storage and data evaluation.
The scientists of the Preclinical Imaging Platform Erlangen (PIPE) will provide an introductory course into the “Small animal imaging techniques” (1/2 day) available at the Franz Penzoldt Animal Center of FAU and UKER.